Types Of Test

Study of self psychology is base of Jung personality test. Carl Jung advises that you should experience of passion in every form in your own body. He claims that this study can provide more knowledge than you can achieve through text books.

Carl Jung was a keen student of human psychology. He developed a healing system by integrating various states of personality like introversion, extroversion, sensing, intuiting, feeling and thinking. Advancing a step ahead he suggested that you can attain a state of individuation or completeness of self by understanding how your personal unconsciousness integrates with the collective unconsciousness.


Your pool of memories, ideas and modes of thought are considered your collective unconsciousness. The psychologists say that your collective unconsciousness comes from the life experience of your ancestors and from the whole human race, as a unit. However, your personal experiences are considered your personal unconsciousness.

Functions in Jung Personality Test

Jung personality test follows philosophy of Carl Jung that your personality contains a hierarchy of intellectual functions. The most important function is referred to as the “dominant”, while three substantial to the less important roles are “auxiliary”, “tertiary” and “inferior”. Each intellectual function is seen as introverted or extroverted.

Carl Jung classified mental functioning into sensing, intuition, thinking, and feeling. You can all functions and your mental health shall be maintained with the use of these natural functions.

Scales of Jung Personality Test

Carl Jung at first envisaged the model in which four cognitive functions combine in different ways to form different people’s personalities.

Extroversion-Introversion (E-I)

Extroversion-Introversion (E-I) is the most important scale. The developers of Jung personality test have calculated that about one third of the population is extroverted. You may be extrovert when you concentrate on people and the environment around you. However, you are considered introvert when you focus on your thoughts and ideas.

Sensing-Intuiting (S-N)

Sensing – Intuiting (S-N) is the next scale denoted. In it about 75 % of the population belongs to sensing.

Thinking-Feeling (T-F)

Thinking - Feeling is the third scale represented by (T-F). These are dispersed evenly through the population, as two-thirds of men are thinkers, while two-thirds of women are feelers.


The archetype is a fundamental Jungian concept. Its importance to analytical psychology has been compared to that of Newton concept of gravity. The genesis of the archetypal theory dates back to the Platonic ideas.

Archetypes are inherent universal psychic temperaments that form the substrate from which the basic ideas of human life materialize. Being common and innate, their effect can be discovered in the form of myths, symbols, rituals and instincts of human beings.

Archetypes are components of the collective unconscious and serve to arrange, show the way and inform human thinking and behaviors. Archetypes deeply affect the human life cycle. Each stage is interceding through a new set of archetypal necessity, which seek fulfillment in action. These include being parented, commencement, courtship, marriage and preparation for death.

Double Nature of Archetypes

Jung projected that the archetypes had a double nature, they live in the psyche and in the world at large. He called this non-psychic aspect of the archetype the ‘psychotic’ archetype. He demonstrated this by the analogy of the electromagnetic spectrum. The part of the spectrum, which is visible to us, matches to the conscious aspects of the archetype. The invisible infrared end of the spectrum corresponds to the unconscious biological aspects of the archetype. He said that the archetypal structures govern the behavior of all living organisms.

Jungian cognitive function models

The models in which these four cognitive functions merge in different ways to form different people’s personalities become visible in Carl Jung’s revolutionary work Psychological Types. Each psychological function is seen as either introverted or extroverted. Carl Jung presented the theory of cognitive process in his pioneering work “Psychological Types”. He used the terms dominant, auxiliary, and inferior to analyze a personality.

About the Author

Psychometrics? Some believe in them and others reject them altogether. However, reality lies in between. Saqib Ali Ateel unlocks secrets of personality, intelligence, aptitude and testing at http://www.personality-and-aptitude-career-tests.com

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