Know your Personality – Take the Myers Briggs Test

Most of us have heard of the Myers Briggs Test at some time or another, but do you know what it is?

Do you know what direction your life is heading in? Do you know what you want to do in your life? What it is you want to do as a career?

The Myers Briggs Test is a personality test that can help you plan your career, training and personal development. These days many government and corporate organizations use it to help them assess a candidate’s suitability for employment in the job and the organization.Employers use the test to see how you behave under certain conditions and how you perform under stress.

Origins of the Myers Briggs Test

It is long known that people usually behave differently in a job interview than they do in real life. Usually they cannot maintain their false behaviors for very long, but there are underlying patterns that are measurable. It was not until Katherine Briggs and Isobel Myers categorized these behavior patterns into personality types. The Myers Briggs test measures how you react in a situation spontaneously and with free choice.

What are Myers Briggs Personality Types?

The Myers Briggs Test determines there are four distinct pairs of personality types:

• Extroverts vs Introverts (EI): The Extrovert vs Introvert pattern determines what stimulates you:

Extroverts (E) Extroverts are inspired by the world around them, and stimulated by the environment. These people love socializing, and are more demonstrative and open.

Introverts (I) Introverts tend to enjoy time with themselves, their imagination and ideas. These people tend to prefer small gatherings and their own company.

• Sensing vs Intuitive (SN): The Sensing vs Intuitive pattern determines how you disseminate information:

Sensing The Sensing (S) types use their five senses and are practical types that measure things against facts and experience.

Intuitive Intuitive (I) people primarily rely on their intuition and subconscious insights to discover new possibilities and to explore the potential of things.

• Thinking vs Feeling (TF): The Thinking vs Feeling pattern determines how you make decisions:

Thinking Thinking (T) people are objective and use sound logic and reasoning based on facts to make decisions.

Feeling Feeling (F) people tend to be more subjective and base their decisions on instinct and emotion.

• Judgers vs Perceivers (JP): The Judgers vs Perceivers pattern reveals how you organize your life.

Judgers Judgers (J) tend to be like their lives structured, organized and controlled. They tend to plan all areas of their lives in advance.

Perceivers Perceivers (P) are open, adaptable and flexible and tend to be spontaneous and make decisions at the last minute.

When the responses for each of the four categories are combined, following are 16 possible personality types you can fall under.

Internal Sensual Group:

1- ISTJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

2- ISFJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

3- ISTP Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

4- ISFP Meyers Brigss Personality Type

External Sensual Group:

5- ESTJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

6- ESFJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

7- ESTP Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

8- ESFP Meyers Brigss Personality Type

Internal Intuition Group:

9- INTJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

10- INFJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

11- INTP Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

12- INFP Meyers Brigss Personality Type

External Intuition Group:

13- ENTJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

14- ENFJ Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

15- ENTP Meyers Brigss Personality Type,

16- ENFP Meyers Brigss Personality Type

Personality Types in Today’s Society

The philosophy behind personality test is that people are dominant in one or the other. So you are either:

• extroverted or introverted

• sensing or intuitive

• thinking or feeling

• judging or perceiving

With a possible 16 personality types explained above, you may not fall strictly into any one of these categories. If you look at yourself as a whole you will find there is a dominating factor in each category. If you do not fall strictly into one of the 16 categories it just means that you primarily function in one area of your life in one way that is not necessarily natural to your personality type. For example, you may be super organized at work, never late and rarely make a mistake. On the other hand, you may be completely the opposite in your private life.

How the Myers Briggs Test helps you make Career Choices

While the Myers Briggs Test identifies your behavioral patterns it also matches them to suitable career paths. Take the Myers Briggs Test at any time in your life to help you make changes in your life. Knowing your personality type helps you understand what careers your personality types has an affinity with.Take the Myers Briggs Test today, even if it is for fun to discover more insight into yourself. You never know, but it just might open your life up to new possibilities to explore.

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