Cover Letter Format
How to Use the Right One to Nail the Interview Spot Typically, applicants do not…
What sample resumes are ideal for usage? How will you know if the sample you are looking at will work for you? In this article, we will provide you tips to spot the best sample resume online so you can narrow down your search and hit your target right on the mark.
A resume is your golden ticket to a great career. Sample resumes abound online and what this does is to confuse you. If you will really think about it, there are hundreds and possibly thousands of resumes online. How will you make a choice? Keep in mind that a resume format is not everything there is in a resume. You may have a great color combination and format but if the contents do not make sense or if they are not powerful enough, you might just end up with the hundreds whose resumes were discarded.
In our world today, people have high expectations. This is precisely because the advent of the Internet made information so easy to grasp and perfection, or at least close to it, has become a basic expectation. Since you are competing with other applicants, it is very likely that they have also read resume tips from experts. Or better yet, they may have ordered and paid for their resume. If you will not look at sample resumes, you might be submitting something that is no longer befitting what employers expect.
First off, the purpose of the resume is not to get the job. That’s right. The purpose of a resume is to get you to the interview. Once you are in the interview, it is the time to shine and make use of the opportunity to get the job. It is not advisable that you follow sample resumes that are long and boring. These kinds of resumes will only be scanned and not fully read.
Another tip when looking at sample resumes is to check what the resume is talking about. Samples that tell you to write your qualities are not really good. This is precisely because you are trying to sell your skills, not your personal characteristics or traits. It is absolutely pointless to say in your resume that you are punctual or hardworking. These traits should be backed up by facts like achievements at work.
To bullet or not to bullet? In the hiring industry, a hiring personnel only takes five seconds to scan a resume to make a decision whether to read it completely or not. Good sample resumes should show you how to use bullet points efficiently. Take note of how the writers used keywords to emphasize verbs and adjectives that best describes your skills, experiences, and achievements.
Avoid fancy and elaborate designs. If you see resume samples that have multiple colors or seem to be very elaborate, move forward and check other samples. You see, your resume is a business letter and there is nothing more attractive than a resume that uses minimalism. Lesser designs and intricacies make your resume more professional and readable. Besides, minimalism tells your employer how concise you can be.
Time and time again you might come across resume samples that are bad. Here, we will show you the things you need to avoid when looking for samples online that you want to use as a model.
No to Hobbies
Samples that show hobbies should be discarded. A hobby is a personal activity and has no place in a resume. Employers have no use for information relating to your personal interests. It does not matter if you are collecting stamps or growing bonsais.
No to Laundry Lists
Samples that show around five or more work experiences should not be used as a template. In general, a hiring manager will only look at your past three employers. Do not make your resume look like a laundry list of all the companies you worked for. Besides, listing all the companies will make your resume longer. Your resume should not be more than two pages.
No to Irrelevance
If you come across a sample that lists political affiliations, religion or things of the same nature, do not use it as a template. Employers do not care, not even about your ethnicity. You do not even have to put personal details such as your eye color, hair color, and so on. You have to focus on writing your skills and your achievements because these are the things that matter