Free Aptitude Tests
Test Your Aptitude for Free Online These days there are free aptitude tests available everywhere…
Are you unhappy in your current job or career? Are you wondering what job suits you best? If you are, then take sample employment test to help you make choices. The best sample employment tests measure your aptitude across at least 70 types of careers.Too few people like their jobs, let alone get up in the morning looking forward to going to work. If you have thought about changing careers or just do not know what suits you best, take employment tests to match your interests and personality.
Employment tests assess your personality. Your personality has a myriad of personality traits that makes up your individuality. You answer a number of questions, in a questionnaire format, that gives you multiple choice answers working against the clock to measure your aptitude.
Employment tests have long been criticized. Here are some facts about employment testing:
• Candidates that took sample employment tests and were well prepared for the exam scored better than those who did not.
• Personality is not clearly defined. It cannot be as it is based in individuality.
• While your personality may be tested today; in years to come it changes as you continue to develop yourself throughout your life.
• It is not possible for an employment test to measure all facets of your personality.
There are all types of employment tests and it depends on the job you apply for or your interests if you are looking for career choices, on what tests you take. Here are some sample questions you will find on an employment test:
Questions that Test your Attitude at Work
These questions measure your attitude to work and where you may fit into the organization.
Which one of the following adjectives most describes your behavior at work?
• Respectful, Persuasive, Obedient, Fussy.
Which one of the following adjectives least describes your behavior at work?
• Accommodating, Optimistic, Humble, Unconquerable
Questions that Test how you Work
Prospective employers want to know how you can contribute to the workplace and how you think.Give each of the following a rating of importance for performing a specific job function from 1 to 5, with 1 being of least importance and 5 most important:
• Ability to make unpopular decisions when carrying out your responsibilities.
• The necessity to work from one specific work station.
• Ability to generate new ideas for the workplace.
• Ability to initiate communication with strangers.
• Attention to detail.
• Ability to take calculated risks.
• Vision to see the big picture to plan ahead.
Are you a Team Player?
These questions measure your ability to work as part of a team and whether you are best of working individually or in a team environment. In reality, there are very few jobs today that do not require you to have strong teamwork skills.Give each of the following a rating of importance from 1 to 5, with 1 being of least importance and 5 most important:
• Promoting effective team communication.
• Holding team meetings for effective results.
• Ability to recognize a negative team environment and implement changes.
• Ability to evaluate the team as a whole rather than as individuals.
What is your Personality?
Questions to test your personality try to assess the type of person you are, how you think and the personality traits you display.For the following words, allocate points (a total of 12 points) to each in order of importance.
• Wisdom, Truth, Justice (Total 12)
• Teacher, Servant, Leader (Total 12)
• Resistant, Bridging, Surrendering (Total 12)
The value in taking sample aptitude tests is they teach you to have confidence, especially if you are at a job interview and find yourself taking an employment test as part of the hiring process.