Minnesota Personality Test

Sometimes, employers will ask you to take tests that attempt to measure your mental health. One of these tests is called the Minnesota Personality test. It is intended to measure your potential to develop a mental illness and this keeps employers in the know about your personality. Knowing the scale and its method will help you take better scores and get that career you have been dreaming of.

Also called the MMP, the Minnesota Personality test is technically called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. It was developed in as early as 1942 and it is widely used to measure mental health. In 1989, it was revised and is now called MMPI-2. The test is used only for adults 18 years old and above. Usually, the test takes about two hours to complete with around 567 questions or items that are all in a true-or-false format. It was originally developed by two individuals namely Starke Hathaway and J.C McKilney. Both worked in the University of Minnesota.

The Scales of the Test

The Minnesota Personality test has 10 basic scales. Used to diagnose mental illness, the 10 scales are used to identify the level of a person’s mental health or condition. Below is the list of the scales and their respective interpretation.

Scale 1: Hypochondriasis

This is a scale that assesses a neurotic pattern or concern over a bodily function. There are 32 items on this scale or part of the test that measures a person’s physical well being. As the term implies, this measures a person’s tendency to be a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac is a person who has an abnormal concern over his health.

Scale 2: Depression

This scale is used to measure a person’s emotional state. This is the part of the test that can determine whether the person has poor morale or does not believe in the future. If a person scores high on this section, it is likely that he is depressed.

Scale 3: Hysteria

This next scale is used to measure a person’s ability to be under control or in control in stressful situations. It is generally found that women score high on this part of the test and this means they are likely to be hysteric than men.

Scale 4: Psychopathic Deviate

The Minnesota Personality test also identifies psychopathic tendencies that include social deviation, lack of morality, and failure to accept authority. Disobedience is measured through the test results and it is said that people who score high in this are more rebellious than the others. People who score high on this scale have personality disorders but not necessarily psychopaths.

Scale 5: Masculinity and Femininity

The test was also designed to check for homosexual deviation. However, it has been contested that this part of the test is ineffective.

Scale 6: Paranoia

The Minnesota Personality test is also used to measure the tendency to become paranoid, which is also a form of mental disorder. This part of the scale measures a person’s suspiciousness, grand delusions of grandeur, and excessive sensitivity. This also identifies rigid attitudes and feelings of persecution or being singled out.

Scale 7: Psychasthenia

This is no longer recognized today but it used t be measured before, this refers to symptoms close to OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Scale 8: Schizophrenia

As the term implies, this scale measures behaviours that relate to the mental illness called schizophrenia. This includes thoughts of bizarre nature, alienation, poor relationships, impulsive behaviour, and disturbing sense of self-reality.

Scale 9: Hypomania

This is a part of the test or scale that measures elevated mood, irritability, ideas of going away, accelerated speech, and depression.

Scale 10: Social Introversion

The last scale is something that measures a person’s tendency to be anti-social. This also measures a person’s tendency to avoid responsibilities.

Interpretation and Your Career

After taking the Minnesota Personality test, you will be assessed by a psychologist. The results will not compare you to the average like IQ but it will be compared to a higher percentile rank. The main focus of the result is the scale in which you scored high. This means that you will undergo further assessment and evaluation.

Employers who use this test essentially get an idea of your level of personality balance and your tendency to develop mental illnesses. This is especially used in highly stressful careers such as the army. Once you are seated and taking the Minnesota Personality test, all you have to do is to answer the questions as honestly as you can and take your time because this test is also designed to find out if you are telling the truth or not.

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