WAIS IQ Test Measures your Mental Capacity

The WAIS IQ Test is one of the oldest, most reliable tests still used today. Designed and introduced by David Wechsler in 1939, these tests measure your spatial, mathematical, and verbal aptitudes. In 1981, David Wechsler revised the WAIS IQ scale and in 1997 he standardized his tests to make them available to all Americans and were renamed as WAIS-III. WAIS is an abbreviation of Wechsler Adult Intelligent Scale and is used to test the IQ of people between the age 17 and 70.

WAIS IQ tests are so popular and reliable that there are now versions for countries such as China, Spain and Australia. WAIS IQ tests have a verbal and a performance scale of measurement. The verbal scale measures six verbal capabilities and the performance test measures five performance aptitudes.

WAIS Verbal IQ Scale

The verbal scale measures your ability to visualize your ideas and translate them into a physical form; how you disseminate information; your vocabulary and comprehension aptitude, memory and mathematical skills. The test also takes into account your state of mind when taking the test, skill levels, culture, social background and education.

WAIS tests your verbal IQ under the following category types:

Spatial Ability: WAIS measures the way you visualize and conceptualize your ideas. You will have to recognize similarities between sets of objects to identify which object best fits into the set.

Information Dissemination: This subset measures how you understand and take action on information. The way you answer is influenced by your cultural background, life experience and education.

Vocabulary Skills: The WAIS IQ test measures your ability to understand words and their meanings. The test is based on English as your first language, so if you are from another culture your IQ results could vary.

Comprehension Skills: WAIS measures your commonsense and social awareness based on how you comprehend and interpret things. Your answers will depend on your cultural values and the way you see the world around you.

Memory Skills: This part of the WAIS IQ test measures your short-tem memory, attention span and your ability to concentrate. You are given lists of digits and you have to memorize them, and then repeat them forwards and backwards. If you approach this with calmness you will do well, but if you approach this test with negativity you will not do well at all.

Mathematical Skills: The mathematical tests measure your ability to understand simple mathematical concepts and you use deductive, mathematical reasoning to answer correctly. This section of the test measures your mental alertness and ability to concentrate.

WAIS Performance IQ Scale

The WAIS Performance Scale analyzes your performance aptitudes by testing how you complete and arrange pictures, organize blocks, assemble objects and match up shapes.WAIS tests your performance IQ under the following category types:

Completing Pictures Tests Visual Perception: To test your visual perception, you have a set of shapes that complete a story board and you have to manipulate the shapes to find the one that is missing. This measures your attention to detail by testing your ability to separate the important facts from unimportant information.

Arranging Pictures Tests Non-verbal Social Networking: This test measures your ability to understand the way people interact socially by giving you pictures to arrange so they tell a cohesive story.

Test your Non-verbal Reasoning Skills with Block Designs: In this test you have to organize blocks according to the patterns on cards. Your aptitude for non-verbal reasoning is shown in the colorful blocks you create.

Test your Short-term Memory by Matching Shapes: WAIS measures your short-term memory capacity by testing your ability to match sets of numbers or shapes according to the examples given. This also measures your ability to concentrate and your mental alertness.

Assembling Objects Tests your Ability to See: The purpose of assembling objects is to measure your visual spatial aptitude. In this test you will have a number of jigsaw puzzles you are required to put back together correctly.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your WAIS tests, you can do lots of things to improve yourself once you understand your weaknesses. Remember, your future is in your hands.

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